My sister is here visiting (yay Sissy!) and perhaps I should have waited to launch the blog until after she left because we have been having so much fun its left little time for posting. Today we are heading out to Stamford to do a little vintage scouting and see the sights and while everyone else is getting ready I figured I could sneak away for a moment or two.
Since we've been in the UK one thing that always catches my attention when I am digging up vintage finds is a great etched mirror. My friend S (she dreams of a fab wall completely covered in them...sigh...tres chic') introduced me to these beauties last year at a huge antiques fair and I've been snatching up everyone I've seen since...if I can beat S to it! These mirrors range in size and shape but most seem to be about 2-2.5 feet by 1-1.5 feet. They have this great beveled etching around the edges and sometimes a bit of the silver is peeking through which I think adds to the charm. They are heavy! and hang from a linked chain and scream out to be re-used in dressing rooms, bathrooms, in large groupings on the wall...well anywhere! From what I can find I think these were probably most popular in the 1930's to the 1960's. Below is my most far! Side is hard to photograph mirrors!

I think these are just glam and so classy!
I love design magazines so much in fact I realized about a month ago that I needed to do something with all the ripped out pages of ideas I had shoved into one sad hot pink folder. Now I have a neatly labeled and organized binder which makes my type A heart smile with joy...but I digress. I was flipping through it yesterday and low and behold an October 2008 photo from Country Living had these little lovelies hanging above his/her vanities in a newly remodeled master bath. I LOVE the use of one or two vintage elements when making over a new space. It gives the space an immediate sense of history and helps to avoid that matchy matchy look.

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