Our time in the UK changed last night and we are feeling a bit out of sorts as a result. Our friends and family stateside have one more week to soak up what's left of the autumn sun but we are in full on blistery weather mode here.
I realize that some of larger and more elaborate halloween displays might eclipse both time and budget restraints for most, but most all of us could manage something along the lines of this festive tablescape.
Hubs and I came back from the states on the 13th but I am just now getting back into the swing of our lives here in the UK. It's been a little bit harder this time and I think that is a direct result of this trip being the best one we have had home in a long time! We were able to really spend some quality time with family and friends, although as usual we didn't get to see everyone we would have liked to I feel like we saw a lot of people without spreading ourselves to thin. Highlights of the trip home included a great weekend at Rock Creek with family, hiking and seeing the gorgeous fall leaves, a trip to http://www.downhome.com/ to see Spring Creek with my mom and dad, a UT game for Ben and tons of Mexican food and bbq....perfection! I didn't get much...no make that absolutely no vintage shopping in...but it didn't matter that's not what this trip was about. It was about seeing those we love, spinning old yarns, making new memories, touching base with our roots...checking in so to speak. Its funny living overseas we've had the amazing opportunity to see a lot of beautiful places...but fall in the mountains of East Tennessee and Western North Carolina holds its own against them all. I think I'll find a cool vintage frame for the last pic...a quick glance at it and I'm back on the road home.
The hubs and I leave bright and early in the morning. We are heading stateside and I've been quietly or not so quietly singing this all day long as I debate the merits of only packing 4 pairs of shoes (merits....you can buy more there!) Ahhhh Willie...that ones for the hubs.
Besides packing and getting insanely excited about seeing family...oh and eating vats of mexican food... :) I wanted to post some pics of a quick project I threw together yesterday. I am one lucky girl, I have a dressing room...and I heart it sooooo big time! In any house we live in hereafter a dressing room for moi' will be a high priority...its good for the marriage. I have been looking for a small dressing table and yesterday while digging around I found some old scrap wood and table legs...well a few screws and a coat of french gray paint on the top later and viola' a dressing room table shabby chic and all re-used!
My tuffet that sits next to it I had classes up a couple of months ago. The hubs somewhat reluctantly had pulled that chair out of a dumpster in Germany for me last year ;) It's 1960's and was thrown out when Heidelberg University was remodeling....I remember wanting more...but appearantly carrying two dumpster chairs down the street in a foreign country is significantly more embarassing than one! I painted the back french gray as well and covered the seat with some batting and great English fabric I found at a Vintage show. I am loving how it turned out!
This week I've been fighting with my computer and getting ready for our trip back to the states and I've also been busy working with Kathy the incredibly talented mind behind Modern Polka Dot Designs! Check her out at http://www.themodernpolkadot.blogspot.com/
We are working on a new blog design and logo items for my "in the works" Etsy shop. She's posted the first draft of the blog design on her site...can you find it? :)
Here is a sneak at the logo...its looking good! Thanks Kathy!
Georgia born Tennessee raised Germany and United Kingdom lived and South Carolina located. Lover of family, friends, super chic vintage finds and simple good food. Caregiver to Jack and Hank the dog wife to the Hubs.